How to Perform Successful Beta Testing of Your Mobile App?

Every day we see hundreds of new apps launching in app stores. Whether it is Google Play Store or Apple App Store, you can find tons of new apps released every day. With new and polished apps launching every day, the app that you are developing must be without bugs and issues so that it can perform its intended function and stay competitive.

One of the ways by which you can check for bugs and issues in your app is through beta testing. Beta testing refers to the process of testing a product or software in a real-world environment usually involving the sample of the intended audience before it is launched on a wide scale level or the official download page.

Beta testing is done by almost everyone these days and it helps to uncover many bugs and issues that you might not have noticed. So how can one perform beta testing the right way? Let’s find out as we discuss some tips for conducting successful beta testing.

Select the Right Beta Testers

The sample audience that you choose for beta testing matters the most because these will be the people who will let you know about any bugs or issues. Choosing the right people who will join this phase of testing is very important and ideally, it should be people from your target audience who will be interested in your app and provide you with honest feedback.

If you already have an existing user base or regular customers, then it is even better and easier to choose beta testers from them. The beta testers should be enthusiastic and motivated individuals who can communicate technical and non-technical information effectively and help you improve the app. But make sure that the audience that you choose for beta testing is interested in your app and some random people who don’t know about the features or functionality of your app.

Make Beta Testers Sign an NDA

Once you have selected beta testers, the next thing that you would want to do is make them sign an NDA or non-disclosure agreement. Since you are working so hard on your app and its features, you would want to protect it and prevent any information from leaking to the public and your competitors. Before you invite beta testers to try out your app, you can request them to sign an NDA so that the information about your app remains a secret. Those who are hesitant about signing an NDA should not be included in the beta testing.

Provide Clear Instructions

Providing clear instructions to beta testers is very important to achieve what you intend to. You should tell them clearly what features or parts of the app you want them to test and what type of feedback you need from them. You can do this simply and easily by creating a landing page for beta signups so that everything is mentioned on that page.

By guiding beta testers and providing them with information, you can make your beta testing more effective and obtain useful information from them. BeautyPlus is an app that uses a similar approach for beta testing and you can download the BeautyPlus .APK from

Implement an In-App Feedback Systems

The most important thing about beta testing is the feedback that you get from beta testers and to make it more easier and convenient for beta testers to provide feedback, you should implement an in-app system for providing feedback. The ultimate reason why you are running a beta testing program in the first place is to receive beta testers’ feedback so you should ensure that the entire process of submitting feedback is as frictionless and smooth as possible.

Reward Your Beta Testers

Lastly, don’t forget to reward your beta testers by offering them some kind of reward. Providing incentives to beta testers is important to show them that you value their efforts and also to get honest and genuine feedback from them. The rewards don’t have to be very big, they can be something like a gift card, an exclusive in-app reward, or a personalized gift. Regardless of the reward size, these incentives can motivate and encourage beta testers to work harder and honestly to provide quality feedback.

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