28 Dialogues of Mahabharata in Hindi On Life, Family, and Virtues

Indian history and mythology are filled with an ocean full of wisdom, miracles, faith, and virtues. And, while there are many scriptures that we, as a country, have been following to gain those pearls of wisdom that our ancestors have left for us. But, above all, Mahabharata is a long and interesting epic story that has given many life lessons through stories, people, incidents, and dialogues. Reading dialogues of Mahabharata in Hindi and memorizing them for a lifetime is important because the lessons that are taught are simply priceless.

Also Read: 26 Best Mahabharata Quotes On Life, War, Karma, Dharma & More

1. Arjun is the true warrior of India…

2. Shakuni trying to teach how to learn mind tricks and play them before anything else…

3. Abhimanyu showing his love and gratitude towards his parents…

4. The fire that Draupadi is…she cannot be contained and controlled….

5. Vanity is not a virtue, it is a vain feeling that brings no good to anyone.

6. True words…a warrior is seen fighting courageously and not disrespecting a woman…

7. Arjun and Karna teach us a lot through their conversations…

8. Bheem standing up to the bullies who disrespected Draupadi…

9. Win of good over evil is always great and inevitable, isn’t it?

10. Draupadi is questioning everyone and everything, and rightfully so- she wants an answer…

11. When one shouts… an echo happens as a result- as mountains do not wait for a command and do what is natural to it…

12. Draupadi is angry at everyone who remained quiet and did not help her…

13. Arjuna warns Karna about his actions on the battlefield…

14. When one tries to prove their superiority, they forget their values….blinded by pride and arrogance.

15. Arjuna teaches us to be humble…

16. Arjuna has a strong will to win…

17. Arjuna declaring the long battle of Mahabharata…

18. Arjun’s strength and his wise words…

19. The fine line of difference between being confident and being full of pride…

20. Draupadi demanding answers from the Pandavas for the reason of their betrayal…

21. Shakuni wanted to crush dharma with his injustice and evil tricks…

22. Guru imparts knowledge to educate people and does not make a business out of it…

23. Dharma is said and heard often, but not understood by many…

24. A mountain should not stop the river from flowing and mixing with the ocean, where it belongs…

25. Magic happens when you have faith in your religion, values, and God.

26. Keep trying if you want to succeed…

27. No faith, religion, or dharma holds back a human…but his wish to gain something does

28. Never let fear get in the way of justice…

So, how much wisdom, and knowledge did you get from these above-mentioned dialogues of Mahabharata in Hindi?

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