5 Must-Have Features For Every Web Application

To connect and engage with their audience, businesses are using various ways and techniques including web applications. Web applications provide a great way for businesses to engage their target audience, streamline their operations, and expand their reach. For an efficient and customer-centric approach, having a web application is very important for businesses.

With the help of a web application, not only can you improve your online presence but you can also improve your customer relationships, and convert your visitors into prospects. While everyone is interested in developing a web app for their business, there are several features that you must include in your web app to make it more effective, including some of the following:

Mobile Friendly User Interface

Since mobile phones are the most popular type of digital device these days, having a mobile-friendly interface is necessary for any web application. There was a time when having a mobile-friendly interface used to be an advantage but not anymore because it is a necessity for any web application. While developing a web application, make sure that you take care of things like responsive layout, UI adaptability, readability, easy navigation, and fast loading speed to have a mobile-friendly interface.

Social Media Integration

One of the reasons why businesses are so interested in developing web applications is because they help to increase user engagement and brand awareness so why miss the most important feature that can significantly increase both user engagement and brand awareness? So, the next thing that you must have in your web application is social integration to facilitate the interaction of your visitors.

Everything from the user registration process to sharing content should have social media integration so that you avoid losing your new users and also get promotions from your customers on social media.

Live Chat

Incorporating the live chat feature into your web application is also a great way to enhance user experience and provide quality customer support. You can try now and see that almost all of the popular web applications have live chat incorporated. The reason behind this is that customers are looking for 24/7 customer service and having staff on standby all the time is not feasible so with the help of live chat you can make it possible to provide round-the-clock customer service.

You can leverage the latest advancements in technology like AI and ML to create chatbots that can provide 24/7 customers and also have your support staff available during a certain period to provide more personalized support service for difficult and technical problems.

Online Payment Options

If your business involves making payments, then having web payments in your web application is a must. One of the most important elements of a user-friendly web application is that everything is streamlined including checkout and payment. You can only make payments streamlined if you have online and web payments available in your web app. So, make sure that you build a solid strategy to accept various methods of payment so that it is much easier for your customers to make purchases.

The web version is available for almost every mobile wallet and payment app, which further makes it easier to integrate several payment methods and provide a flexible and user-focused online application payment procedure.

Robust Security Measures

For any company or business, ensuring the security of visitors is one of the most crucial responsibilities. To ensure the security of your visitors and customers on the web app, make sure that you have robust security measures in place including the use of a HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) certificate, having an encrypted payment gateway, and keeping the user data secure in an encrypted server along with prioritizing a safe connection between online users and the web app.

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