20 Best Quotes On Humanity
The world is divided into several religions based on various traditions, cultures, and geographical regions. One thing we all have in common is that we are all humans, divided by religions but united by humanity. Humanity is the most fundamental aspect of being human. It simply means that you value a person’s humanity above all else, including his caste, religion, country, and language. Some of the best quotes on humanity made in history have been imprinted in our brains but we somehow miss the chance of implementing them.
We have failed to instil the virtue of humanity in our children in today’s world. Humanity is what we need to teach our children in order to create a better world for them in the future. What the children see will be taught to them. And the current situation does not portend a bright future. We have become so preoccupied with our personal lives that we do not notice when someone is treated inhumanely. We simply walk by, and if such news is broadcast on television, we change the channel. But this isn’t the answer. It has no bearing on us because it does not affect us or our loved ones. Yes, we will weep uncontrollably if this happens to someone close to us.
For many of these people who are not paying attention, this will be a wake-up call. Before that happens, we must make the decision to instil fundamental values in the next generation, as they will be the world leaders of tomorrow, responsible for maintaining peace among states, countries, and continents, which is critical for the survival of humanity. Keep scrolling to go through some of the best quotes on humanity.
1. Let’s focus on humanity first.
2. Life is all about uplifting people around you.
4. Stay humble and be kind to others.
5. Help others whenever you can.
6. Spread Love.
7. A small act of humanity is never wasted.
8. Strength is often found in solitude, but company is always better.
9. Humanity is greater than status.
10. Choose kindness and humanity.
11. I wish people were more kind.
12. Remember humanity is a choice.
13. Love and kindness make a big difference.
14. Because being kind will cost you nothing.
15. A little more kindness is what all we need.
16. Kindness is the best form of humanity.
17. Remember the best form of rising is uplifting others.
18. Kindness makes you beautiful not status.
19. Real happiness is all about making others happy.
20. Choose kindness, always.
“A life not lived for others is not a life,” Albert Einstein famously stated. We live in a world where there are many more people who are similar to us. We may be living a good life, but that does not mean that everyone else is. Someone is always in need of assistance. There is no point in living our lives if they are not helped when they need it. We are living a good life, but if those around us are having a difficult time, we will not be happy. We would be able to live happily if the people around us were happy. That would be the essence of humanity. Make sure to mention some of your favorite ones from our list of best quotes on humanity.