12 Bill Gates Quotes That Reveals You Can Benefit From Right Away!
Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, yep that’s Robert Downey Jr, but it is not him whom we’re going to talk about. Sans the Playboy part, Mr. Bill Gates perfectly fits the description. Yep, the similar face from the covers of Forbes all these years. But there’s more to him than just the money, honey. If you actively seek out qualified advice, who’s better than Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Here are some famous Bill Gates quotes, that’ll surely open the Gates of success for you…
The biggest living example is staring right back atcha!
That’s how you can get better at Complisulting!
Yearn for excellence, and success will be a by-product
It is a consuming poison. And the beginning of wisdom is understanding yourself.
Fake it until you make it kids…
And soon, coz what’s the point of sulking over things beyond your control…
No need for such delusional beliefs guys. THAT Hamburger is the best…
Thanks Billy, I know who’s my new bff. *throws the books away…
Teacher – “Out of my class”
Boss – “Out of my GATES”
All the lazy bums in the house, take some time off, sit back and enjoy. Bill Gates is coming for
you…Also, 34% employees at Microsoft, are Indians
Customer is rightly the King, queen and even the court Jester. Probably that’s how Microsoft
became one of the most successful and innovative businesses till date.
Single-handedly changed the entire perspective the world had towards them…
Recently, Mr Bill Gates was asked where he saw himself 15 years down lane, to which the
humanitarian replied that he wished a world with eradicated deadly diseases and better health
especially in poor countries and a healthier child mortality rate. Once in a while, the mankind is
blessed with a man like him, who’s worthy of all the adulation he receives, who despite having
achieved so much at an individual level, still thrives for the betterment of the society. If you liked
the article, do comment who’s that one person you admire in the comments below.